Kirsten Lund
Because it wasn’t just one coward
but two who had me overpowered
one held my arm
the other did harm
because my fright so steeply towered
All I did was to abide them
how I wished I had just died then
Because I just froze
when the rape it came close
Because I didn’t even try to fight them
Because I had no way to prove it
In a way so you’d approve it
because I’d be accused
and suffer more abuse
and even if, would that remove it?
Because I was intoxicated
they said my charge was fabricated
My friends all said I lied,
and took my rapist’s side
because I felt so devastated
How could the cops believe me
when all my friends deceived me
both said it was not rape
the courts they would escape
Because their lies did so aggrieve me
My teacher asked if I’d seduced him
or wore a dress that might’ve confused him
Because I wore a skirt,
because I was a flirt
Because you thought that that excused him
Because you knew but did not support it
all you did was to distort it
Because I’d pay the price
for my rapist’s vice
That is why I did not report it
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