Alle indlæg af Ron Ridenour

This blog is in English so that non-Danish speaking people can read it, and it is easier for me. My radical activism began where I was born, in the United States of America (USamerica) with the invasion of Cuba, April 1961, and continued until 1980 when I left the US. I have lived for many years as an activist and writer in Cuba and Nicaragua, with months in Venezuela and Bolivia, and a quarter century in Europe, mainly Denmark. I will be concentrating on the rebirth of a radical movement in Usamerica. There will also be commentary on Danish politics, especially as it relates to global imperialism.

The Establishment took over Copenhagen Climate march


By Ron Ridenour

Colourful grass roots ingenuity spread throughout major streets in Copenhagen, November 29. We were between 10,000 and 15,000 of the million who marched in 175 countries at 2300 sites. Yet unbeknownst to me we were being “led” by a major politician of the economic-political Establishment responsible for the very pollution we oppose, and for the wars that murder millions, send more millions in flight, and pollute the planet. Læs videre The Establishment took over Copenhagen Climate march

Droner og cyberangreb – Danmarks nye krigsvåben

Droner2_Hermes9001_israelSalgsfremstød for Israel Aerospace Industries

De danske krigspolitikere opruster og forbereder deltagelse i ‘missioner’ og krige. De ønsker sig nye kampfly og nye kanonsystemer, men også droner og cybervåben.

Af Ron Ridenour

I år vil landets aktivistiske regering og folketinget tage beslutning om køb af nye kampfly for ”dansk sikkerhed”, samt om brug af droner og cyberangreb, den såkaldte “offensive cyberkapacitet”. Læs videre Droner og cyberangreb – Danmarks nye krigsvåben

US-Cuba Policy Change: Score 11-1, US Wins


By Ron Ridenour

The United States of America, the global policeman, is “changing its relationship with the people of Cuba”, as President Barack Obama put it. With this announcement of a resumption of diplomatic relations after John F. Kennedy severed them January 1, 1961 we need to evaluate what is behind it and what is positive and negative.
Læs videre US-Cuba Policy Change: Score 11-1, US Wins

War and Peace, Spying and Transparency: Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival


by Ron Ridenour

Wonderful Copenhagen documentary film festival just ended after 11 days showing 200 films in dozens of movie houses, along with various talks and seminars with filmmakers and protagonists. The subjects included politics, art and drama with focuses on war, surveillance, women, oppressed peoples and economic crises.
Læs videre War and Peace, Spying and Transparency: Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival

13 Years of Permanent War: Unite Peace and Climate Movements




by Ron Ridenour

Dansk udgave

This month of October presents us with 13 years of permanent war for profit or, as the warmongers call it, the “war against terror”. This “operation” is killing and maiming millions of people especially in the oil rich Middle East. Simultaneously these Juggernaut nations “of the willing” are choking Mother Earth to death—polluting the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that spawns our food, and eradicating millions of species.
Læs videre 13 Years of Permanent War: Unite Peace and Climate Movements

Tales of absurdities in our times


Sommerhund425Luxus life for pets. Foto Aalborg Dyre Hospital.

By Ron Ridenour

1. President Barak Obama spoke to youth on June 11, 2014

“And if there’s one message I want to deliver to young people like a Tumblr audience is, don’t get cynical. Guard against cynicism. I mean, the truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.” Obama: “The world is less violent than it has ever been”

Læs videre Tales of absurdities in our times

Snowden speaks to Niemoller

Edward Snowden_2
“The international literature festival Berlin calls on all individuals, institutions, schools and media outlets that care about freedom and civil rights to participate in a worldwide reading of texts about surveillance in support of Edward Snowden, on 8th September 2014″.

Ron Ridenour will be a part of this with his poem  inspired by Pastor Martin Niemoller, Edward Snowden, and Worldwidereading

Ron Ridenourdeltager på World wide reading i Berlin med et digt inspireret af pastor Martin Niemoller, Edward Snowden og  Worldwidereading

By  Ron Ridenour

First they came for Jihad terrorists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a terrorist
Læs videre Snowden speaks to Niemoller

Crazy Gun Stuff in two parts: US, Denmark

Af Ron Ridenour

You’ve probably heard that a nine year-old girl just killed her gun instructor, Charles Vacca, with an Israeli Uzi sub-machine gun the Zionists use to kill Palestinians and other Arabs. We all know that US Americans are crazy about their guns but, really, a nine-year girl in pink shorts and pink earmuffs taking gun lessons in the Mojave Desert in Arizona?
Læs videre Crazy Gun Stuff in two parts: US, Denmark