Statements, messages and greetings – APK, Workers’ Communist Party (Denmark)
Tag: Statements_APK
Trumps ”århundredets aftale” må fordømmes og forkastes!
Udtalelse ved APK, Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne
USA's præsident Trump har fremlagt en såkaldt fredsplan. En plan der kræver palæstinensernes totale knæfald for apartheid Israel.
Trumps ”fredsplan” er...
Greetings from APK to the 8th Congress of Turkish Labour Party Emep
Dear comrade delegates, dear comrades and sympathisers of EMEP
On behalf of the Workers' Communist Party of Denmark APK...
Communique: CIPOML has held its 22nd World Conference
The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations (ICMLPO) has successfully concluded its 22rd Plenary, held in Denmark in October 2016.
It was characterized by...
APK-Denmark: Greetings to the 5th Congress of the Party of Labour of Iran...
The Party of Labour of Iran announces that its 5th Congress was successfully concluded.
From the 5th Party Congress of PLI (Toufan)
No. 195 of...
After ‘Brexit’: Statement by CIPOML, the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations
After ’Brexit’: The struggle against ‘United Europe’ of the monopolies and neoliberalism must be intensified mainly fighting against its “own” bourgeoisie
The result of...
Questions and answers about Denmark and the refugees – The Workers’ Communist Party...
Questions by the Turkish daily newspaper Evrensel to the editor of the magazine Communist Politics Klaus Riis
-What do you think about the latest refugee...
Greetings to CIPOML – 6th Congress of the Workers’ ...
APK May 1st 2015 Copenhagen Photo: Erling Skov Madsen
The 6th Congress of APK, held in Copenhagen May 2015, sends its militant revolutionary greetings...
Comrade Frede Klitgård 1923-2015 – Hero of the Danish resistance, staunch Marxist-Leninist
Frede Klitgård 1923-2015
Comrade Frede Klitgård, hero of the national resistance, former chairman of the largest organizations of veterans from the Danish resistance movement...
Greetings to the Third Congress of the Communist Party of Spain (marxist-leninist)
Dear Comrades, dear delegates -
Sending you our warm and fraternal congratulations on the splendid and joyous occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Communist...
The Workers Commmunist Party of Denmark (APK) on the EU elections
Poster of the Workers Communist Party of Denmark at the EU-elections on May 25th 2015 recommending No to the European Patent Court and appealing...