Comrade Frede Klitgård 1923-2015 – Hero of the Danish resistance, staunch Marxist-Leninist

Frede Klitgård 1923-2015

Comrade Frede Klitgård, hero of the national resistance, former chairman of the largest organizations of veterans from the Danish resistance movement and former chairman of the People’s Movement Against Nazism died on June 5th 2015, 92 years old.

To the end he was an active member of the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK and the editor of the antifascist magazine Håndslag.

Frede (born 1923) entered the armed resistance against the Nazi occupation of Denmark in 1942 and survived a sentence in 1943 of life long imprisonment in the Nazi German prison Dreibergen, while a number of partisans from his group were executed.

After the war he became a leader of the communist youth league and later a journalist of the party newspaper Land og Folk, stationed in Moscow 1953-57, where he covered the notorious 20th congress.

He left the Danish party in 1962, due to its adherence to the line of N. Hhrustjov and soviet revisionism, taking the side of China and Albania during the Great Polemic. He was was one of the founders of the new Marxist-Leninist communist movement in Denmark.

He  was a leading figure in the organizations of the veterans of the resistance and chairman of the largest for more than two decades. He was also the chairman of the People’s MovemeNt Against Nazism from the 1990’es untill recently – always defending the ideals and achievements of the resistance against all reactionary attacks.

He was a member of the central committee of DKP/ML, the predecessor of APK, and was expelled from this party together with the former chairman Klaus Riis and Dorte Grenaa, following a revisionist coup in 1997. He was one of the founders of the Workers’ Communist Party APK in 2000.

The obituary of the Central Comittee of APK says a.o.:

“With Frede Klitgård one af the great anti fascist fighters during a long life span and one of the last witnesses of the armeds truggle of the resistance is gone. Frede never stopped struggling. His trust in the ideals of the resistance movement and in a better future for humankind remained strong and vivid,”

A book in Danish containing many of his writings for the antifascist magazine Haandslag during more than 20 years was finished before his death and will be published in August.

His death has been commented in many obituaries also in the bourgeois press, radio and television  and in  the social media, many hundreds hailing him as a heroic fighter.

A memorial meeting organised by APK will be held in the end of June in Copenhagen .


You can find a special webpage on Frede Klitgård and his struggle against Nazism and for communism, including obituaries and a number of his articles and interviews as well as articles about him here

Frede Klitgård 1923-2015 – kampen mod nazi og for en anden fremtid

Netavisen 9. juni 2015


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