July 25th, 2013
Mohamed Brahmi
May 15th 1955 – July 25th 2013
Today, on July 25th 2013, the hands of betrayal and terrorism assassinated our comrade, the martyr Mohamed Brahmi, member of the secretary general board of the Popular Front, general coordinator of the Popular Movement Party and member of the National Constituent Assembly.
The Workers’ Party presents its warmest condolences to the martyr’s family, to his brothers in the Popular Current Party, to his comrades in the Popular Front and to all of the Tunisian people. The Workers’ Party :
- Considers that the actual authorities ( the government, the president, the Constituent Assembly and the ruling coalition headed by Annahdha Movement) are responsible for this assassination for covering the killers of our comrade the martyr Chokri Belaid and for providing the conditions for the outbreak of intellectual and political violence and terrorism as well as for pushing the country towards strife and infighting for the sake of their interests and in order to remain in power.
- Calls on all political, social and civil powers to stand side by side and take responsibility to save the country from the grasps of the ruling gang and from the violence and bloodshed that it is pushing towards.
- Calls on the Tunisian people to civil disobedience and to move immediately in order to overthrow the ruling gang and to dissolve the Constituent Assembly, the Provisional government and the Presidency.
Long live to the martyrs of Tunisia
Long live to the martyrs of the Popular Front
The Workers’ Party on July 25th, 2013
Se also
The Popular Front of Tunisia: Statement
Netavisen 26. juli 2013
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