“To publish a revolutionary magazine of high standards for 20 years is an achievement in itself. Publishing a Marxist-Leninist journal of world class and significance for two decades is indeed remarkable and a unique feat”.
I tidsskriftet Revolutionary Democracy kan man finde materiale og analyser fra den internationale revolutionære kommunistiske bevægelse. Det bringer artikler om de spørgsmål der stiller sig i klassekampen i dag, om oprindelsen til den moderne revisionisme, genskabelsen af kapitalismen i Rusland og de historiske erfaringer.
Bladet udgiver 2 gange årligt i april og september fra Indien og udkommer både i en papirudgave og i en frit tilgængelig udgave på nettet. Det bringer materiale fra CIPOML og dets medlemsorganisationer og fra andre revolutionære organisationer og kilder. Bladet spiller en vigtig rolle i udbredelsen af revolutionære erfaringer og teori over hele verden.
På Revolutionary Democracy’s hjemmeside kan man bl.a. læse CIPOML’s tidsskrift Unity & Struggle.
I anledning af Revolutionary Democracy’s 20 års jubilæum sender Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne og Kommunistisk Politik denne hilsen:
Revolutionary Democracy – Journal of great international significance
To publish a revolutionary magazine of high standards for 20 years is an achievement in itself. Publishing a Marxist-Leninist journal of world class and significance for two decades is indeed remarkable and a unique feat.
During these years Revolutionary Democracy has developed alongside the international Marxist-Leninist communist movement, today organized in the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations CIPOML/ICMLPO, founded in 1994, and has become an important part of the arsenal of the Conference.
From the date of its first publication in this time of momentary triumph of imperialism Revolutionary Democracy has carried out a vigorous defense of Marxism-Leninism and the historical practice of this vigorous and unconquered doctrine, the inspirer and guide of all genuine revolutionary change in the epoch of imperialism and revolutions, and the construction of socialism.
The printed journal and its regularly updated website carries continuously materials of the CIPOML and its member parties and other revolutionary organizations and sources, thus playing an important role in the diffusion of Marxist-Leninist theory and politics of today, not only in the English speaking countries, but all over the world.
Focusing on the experience of the first socialist state, the Soviet Union of Lenin and Stalin, and basing itself also on new findings from the formerly unknown archives of that period, the journal has made and publishes original contributions to the understanding of this crucial time in the history of socialism and the struggle between revolution and counter revolution, between Marxism-Leninism and modern revisionism and all kinds of opportunism, also shedding new light on the history and development of the international communist movement of that time.
To this it must be added that the journal, and indeed this is one of its major functions, is an extensive forum for the discussion and treatment of the problems of the class struggles in India and the sub continent, serving the strengthening of the forces of revolution and their organization. It constitutes a valid source of knowledge and global understanding of these problems, so vital to the development of the world wide struggle for socialism and revolution.
Revolutionary Democracy has thus become an extremely valuable asset in the struggle for a better future for mankind, for revolution and socialism.
On the occasion of its 20th Anniversary we salute the journal for its achievements so far, wishing it new successes and a well deserved wider global distribution and influence.
Klaus Riis
Editor Kommunistisk Politik
Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK
Copenhagen January 15th 2015
Revolutionary Democrasy
Introduktion til CIPOML: Verdensbevægelse og globalt forum for revolution og socialisme
Netavisen 18. januar 2015
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Udgives af APK – Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne