Tag: APK English

“The Trotskyist World Movement”

The feature series by Klaus Riis, APK. It was published in its entirety in the formerly revolutionary Daily Worker Aug.-Sep. 1995. For many reasons, it...

Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people – Stop the aggression of Israel

By Workers’ Communist Party, APK, Denmark Once again we see a violent escalation of the state of Israel's oppression of Palestinians. It is directed both...

The struggle of the working class against the war policy of the government, ...

By Workers' Communist Party, APK, Denmark Under the guise of the inter-imperialist war in Ukraine, militarization and the influence of the US/NATO and the EU...

The work of the party in the working class, the workplaces and trade unions

By Workers Communist Party, APK, Denmark This political platform "The work of the party within the working class, the workplaces and trade unions". was adopted...

No to participation from the Danish government in a cup in Venezuela

Hands off Venezuela No to participation from the Danish government in a cup in Venezuela The 10th of May a Democracy Summit took place in Copenhagen,...

Trumps ”Deal of the Century” must be condemned and rejected!

Statement by Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark, APK 30. January 2020 US president Trump has presented a so-called peace plan. A plan demanding a total kneeling...

US imperialism out of Greenland

By APK, The Workers Communist Party of Denmark It made the headlines when the US government called off its official state visit to Denmark on...

100 YEARS NOVEMBER REVOLUTION IN GERMANY – The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and...

Message of CIPOML - The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and organisations - to Arbeit-Zukunft, Germany, on the occasion of the centennary of the...

Stop the prosecution of Selma Gürkan and members of EMEP for speaking out for...

Selma Gürkan, the chairwoman of EMEP We strongly condemn the attempt of the Turkish state and government to silence the Turkish peoples’ demand for peace...

Greetings from APK to the 8th Congress of Turkish Labour Party Emep

  GREETINGS TO THE 8TH CONGRESS OF EMEP Dear comrade delegates, dear comrades and sympathisers of EMEP On behalf of the Workers' Communist Party of Denmark APK...


Tæller de døde, tæller de fattige, tal og mennesker

Af Pinar Ögünc, Evrensel På den ene side forsøger vi at blive talt med og på den anden side forsøger vi at bevise, at vi...

Mette Frederiksen til topmøde: NATOs krig skal optrappes

Mette Frederiksens plads lå ikke i en ny karriere i EU-administrationen. Nej, hendes internationale hovedrolle er som propagandist og medspiller i USA’s og NATO’s...

KPnet holder sommerferie indtil d. 5. august – Dyk ned i arkiverne!

KPnet holder sommerferie fra d. 15. juli og frem til d. 5. august. I perioden vil siden kun blive opdateret af og til. Vi...

Statens rolle bag danske globale supermonopoler

Af Dorte Grenaa, Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne, APK I forordet til ”Staten og revolutionen” skriver Lenin: ”Spørgsmålet om staten får i øjeblikket særlig betydning såvel i teoretisk...