To mr. Barack Obama

Message from the Grassroots says
Humanity demands humanity and respect

At this moment the Embassy of Brazil in Tegucigalpa where President Manuel Zelaya has been staying since he returned to his country on September 21, is being blockaded and attacked with chemical and electronic noise-producing weapons by the Honduran military.

Poisonous chemicals and gases are being thrown from helicopters. The entrance is guarded by heavily armed troops who do not allow the delivery of food or other necessities. Water and electricity have been cut off several times in an effort to starve and hurt those inside.

The international society and The Unites States of America must demand the immediate cessation of these terroristic measures and the re-installation of President Zelaya to office.

Further all acts of repression and violence by the illegitimate government of Roberto Micheletti against the people of Honduras must end and  all the people detained for protesting the military coup must immediate be released.

Annisette Koppel and
Gerd Berlev
representative for
Message from The Grassroots, Denmark

Netavisen 28. september 2009

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