Tag: APK English

TTIP and TISA: Everything must be privatized and under the control of the ...

By Tine Spang Olsen Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK Article for Unity & Stuggle #30 In the last 20 years multinational companies based in the...

Comrade Frede Klitgård 1923-2015 – Hero of the Danish resistance, staunch Marxist-Leninist

Frede Klitgård 1923-2015 Comrade Frede Klitgård, hero of the national resistance, former chairman of the largest organizations of veterans from the Danish resistance movement...

Greetings to  CIPOML – 6th Congress of the Workers’ ...

APK May 1st 2015 Copenhagen Photo: Erling Skov Madsen The 6th Congress of APK, held in Copenhagen May 2015,  sends its militant revolutionary greetings...

The role of the youth in “the Competition State” and the ideological offensive...

  By Dorte Grenaa APK – Communist Workers’ Party of Denmark Unity & Struggle #29 'What about our Future?' Unity&Struggle #29, 2015 Magazine of The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties...

Revolutionary Democracys 20 års jubilæum: Hilsen fra Kommunistisk Politik og APK

"To publish a revolutionary magazine of high standards for 20 years is an achievement in itself. Publishing a Marxist-Leninist journal of world class and...

Greetings to the Third Congress of the Communist Party of Spain (marxist-leninist)

Dear Comrades, dear delegates - Sending you our warm and fraternal congratulations on the splendid and joyous occasion of  the 50th Anniversary of the Communist...

Denmark: The People’s Movement Against the European Union

Against the reactionary and imperialist ’United States of Europe’ By Klaus Riis Workers Communist Party of Denmark APK 'EU - Dictatorship of the banks and the monopolies' From...


Tæller de døde, tæller de fattige, tal og mennesker

Af Pinar Ögünc, Evrensel På den ene side forsøger vi at blive talt med og på den anden side forsøger vi at bevise, at vi...

Mette Frederiksen til topmøde: NATOs krig skal optrappes

Mette Frederiksens plads lå ikke i en ny karriere i EU-administrationen. Nej, hendes internationale hovedrolle er som propagandist og medspiller i USA’s og NATO’s...

KPnet holder sommerferie indtil d. 5. august – Dyk ned i arkiverne!

KPnet holder sommerferie fra d. 15. juli og frem til d. 5. august. I perioden vil siden kun blive opdateret af og til. Vi...

Statens rolle bag danske globale supermonopoler

Af Dorte Grenaa, Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne, APK I forordet til ”Staten og revolutionen” skriver Lenin: ”Spørgsmålet om staten får i øjeblikket særlig betydning såvel i teoretisk...