May 1st 2014 in Copenhagen: Against austerity reforms and the European Union

A video report from KPnetTV on May 1st, 2014, from the scene of ‘The Red Square’ in Fælledparken, Copenhagen, organized by the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK a.o

Dorte Grenaa, APK, speaking in the Red Square, Fælledparken, Copenhagen

Click on the picture to watch the video or click here

The main focus on the International Workers Day for the progresive and revolutionary forces in Denmark was on  the struggle against the neoliberal reforms, dictated by the European Union and implemented by the coalition government led by social democrat Helle Thorning Schmidt and on the struggle against the Europaen Union of the monopolies.

On May 25 there will be elections to the so-called European Parliament.

The Workers Communist Party APK supports the The Peoples Movement against the EU -  Folkebevægelsen mod EU - of which it is one of the collective members.

On the same day there will be a referendum about whether Denmark should join the Unified Patent Court of the EU. The APK supports the NO-vote because the patent court will favour the multinational monopolies, and  is a part of the build up of the EU-state and severely infringes national sovereignty.

APK supports the demand that Denmark leaves the European Union.

The speakers in this video report from May 1st are Dorte Grenaa, APK; Jens Kirkegaard, Builders’ Union BJMF; Erik Bach, candidate for The Peoples Movement against the EU; Jens Andersen, Vi tager Danmark tilbage ’; Morten Egede, EEO: Ulrik Frost, former spokesperson of the employed of Letz Sushi; Irene Clausen, Boycot Israel

Music by Disarray Son, Lior Kojo, Fri Galaxe, Røde Horn and others

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Photos from May 1st in Denmark

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Netavisen May 3rd 2014