Hilsen til Natacha fra The Palestinian Youth Organization “Et farvel til aktivisten Natacha”Hilsen fra The Political Committee of the “Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55” Digt til Natashaa

Internationale hilsner til Natacha Schuwendt

1993 – 2014

The Palestinian Youth Organization mourns and salutes Comrade Natacha Schuwendt of Denmark, a committed anti-imperialist struggler who always stood with the cause of the Palestinian people and with all oppressed peoples fighting for their liberation.

Comrade Natacha passed away on November 3 of this year, only a few months after her 21st birthday. In her far too short life, she was a constant presence in every movement for justice. A committed struggler with the DKU (Young Communist League of Denmark) and the APK (Workers Communist Party of Denmark), she fought for a revolutionary vision of working-class liberation and socialism.

She was a dedicated fighter against all of the crimes of imperialism. She participated in the Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist International Youth Camp in Turkey in August 2014, and was a strong supporter of the Palestinian Youth Movement and the Palestinian revolutionary struggle for national and social liberation.

Today, we salute Comrade Natacha, a true internationalist struggler for Palestine, mourn her loss, and pledge to continue to march on the path of internationalist struggle that Comrade Natacha represented so well.

18 November 2014

Beirut, Lebanon

PFLPs hjemmeside billedreportage

“We love You – Hvil i fred”

Se billederne her

Dear comrades of the DKU (Young Communist League of Denmark) and the APK (Workers Communist Party of Denmark),

The Movement for the Reorganisation of the Communist Party of Greece 1918-55 and the Antifascist-Antiimperialist Youth of Greece send you their deep condolences for the loss of Comrade Natacha Schuwendt who dedicated her life for the cause of the liberation of the people and the working class.

We remember Natacha from very young to participate in the struggle of the youth against imperialist wars. We pledge to follow her example and continue the struggle against capitalism-imperialism.

قصيده في وداع المناضله الدنمركيه نتاشا شويندت التي توفيت في 3-11-2014 , بعد أقل من إسبوعين من تكريمها هي واخرين من قبل فلسطينيي الدنمارك عن عمر 21 عاماً وسيتم دفنها غداً.

أجود الدمع رَشراشا
أحقاً مُتِّ يا حُلوه ؟
أحقاً ضاعت الغِنوه؟
فقد قلت وبالأمسِ:
“غداً سأقولها أخرى
لكِ المجدُ فلسطينا”
وقد قلتِ وبالأمس:
“سنصنع ثورةً كبرى
تضيء العدلَ بالدنيا
لأجلك يا فلسطينا”
و قد كان لنا موعدْ
عند رفاقنا الجددِ
لنلعن حرب أمريكا
ومن يعطي لها المددا
فهل تأتين للموعدْ ؟
وإن لم تأتِ, “يا حسره”
فمن سيقولها مَرّه
يروم السّحرَ بالكلمه:
“ألا فاخرسْ ألا فاصمت”
فأنت دائماً أبدا
لا ترضَينَ بالشططِ
أو الوسطِ
فإما الحق مجتمعاً
أو الثوره
فهل ما زلتِ يا أنتِ
كما كنتِ؟
كحدِّ السيفِ في الحقِ
كما الرمحِ
وفي الغضب
كمثل تراقص السوط
و عند هدوئك العذبِ
كما النسماتِ
وقت تنفس الصبحِ
تعانق سُنبل إلقمحِ
بكتك عيون زنبقةٍ
بكاكِ جرحنا الدامي
بكوْكِ الكردُ والعربُ
بكاكِ النصُر يقترب
بكتك بيارق العزه
ببغدادَ و في غزه
نجود الدمع رَشراشا


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