Tag: APK English

The importance of the October Revolution for women’s liberation – By Dorte Grenaa, Workers’...

Report to the ICMLPO Seminar on the significance of the October Revolution, Stuttgart, June  9-11th 2017, delivered by Dorte Grenaa, Chairman of the Workers'...

Denmark and the Nordic countries: The rise and fall of the dream of peace...

By the Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK Article published in Unity & Struggle, Journal of the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations CIPOML....

Communique: CIPOML has held its 22nd World Conference

The International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations (ICMLPO) has successfully concluded its 22rd Plenary, held in Denmark in October 2016. It was characterized by...

‘United Europe’: Growing popular resistance and reformist bail-outs

The referendum of June 23rd 2016 in the UK on membership of the European Union is of major importance. A 'Brexit' will be helpful...

Questions and answers about Denmark and the refugees – The Workers’ Communist Party...

Questions by the Turkish daily newspaper Evrensel to the editor of the magazine Communist Politics Klaus Riis   -What do you think about the latest refugee...

Europe, “the Nordic Model” and the Revolution – By APK, Denmark (July 2000)

Contribution of the APK - The Workers' Communist Party of Denmark - to the Fourth International Seminar “Problems of the Revolution in Latin America”,...

Greetings to the 8th Congress of PCOF

The Danish Marxist-Leninists and our Party APK greet your Congress, wishing it every success in completing its tasks for the strengthening of the communist...

A new resounding No from the Danish people

The Workers' Communist Party of Denmark APK 53,1 percent of the voters said No, 46,9 percent said Yes. 72 percent of the voters participated in...

On the Danish referendum December 3rd 2015

By Kommunistisk Politik (Communist Politics) The pro-European Union parties in Denmark have called a referendum on December 3rd. 4.2 million people can vote Yes or...

Message for Labour Party EMEP of Turkey from APK, Denmark

  To the Central Committee Labour Party EMEP Dear Comrades We grieve with you for the victims of the fascist bomb attack on a peaceful and legal Peace...


Tæller de døde, tæller de fattige, tal og mennesker

Af Pinar Ögünc, Evrensel På den ene side forsøger vi at blive talt med og på den anden side forsøger vi at bevise, at vi...

Mette Frederiksen til topmøde: NATOs krig skal optrappes

Mette Frederiksens plads lå ikke i en ny karriere i EU-administrationen. Nej, hendes internationale hovedrolle er som propagandist og medspiller i USA’s og NATO’s...

KPnet holder sommerferie indtil d. 5. august – Dyk ned i arkiverne!

KPnet holder sommerferie fra d. 15. juli og frem til d. 5. august. I perioden vil siden kun blive opdateret af og til. Vi...

Statens rolle bag danske globale supermonopoler

Af Dorte Grenaa, Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne, APK I forordet til ”Staten og revolutionen” skriver Lenin: ”Spørgsmålet om staten får i øjeblikket særlig betydning såvel i teoretisk...