The Workers Commmunist Party of Denmark (APK) on the EU elections


Poster of the Workers Communist Party of Denmark at the EU-elections on May 25th 2015 recommending No to the European Patent Court and appealing to vote for the People's Movement Against the EU - and to say No to the Banking Union! No to social dumping! No to TTIP ! No to a European army! No to the United States of Europe!

The  elections to the EU-Parliament in Denmark as well as all over the European Union expressed the growing resistance to the  its development towards even more federalism and the ‘United States of Europe’, as planned by the EU-Commission.

At the same time it showed the increasing anger towards the neoliberal austerity reforms implemented in Denmark and elsewhere, but designed by the EU. They have meant severe cutbacks in welfare and lower living standards for the workers and the broad  popular strata, while enriching the bourgeoisie.

The Danish elections reflected to a large extent the same trends as seen in the EU elections in general.

The Social Democratic Party of Helle Thorning Schmidt, today the leading government party, as well as the main parliamentary opponent and former leading government party Left – Liberal Party of Denmark suffered losses between 10-20 percent of their votes in 2009, back to 19,1 and 16,7 pct. of the votes respectively.  These two parties have been the leading forces in the implementation of the neoliberal schemes of the EU in Denmark.

The right populist Danish People’s Party that campaigned with the slogan Less EU – more Denmark ! came  out as the largest party in Denmark for the first time ever with 26,6 pct of the votes. In the media it is presented as a party opposing the European Union.

In fact it supports the neoliberal internal market of the EU and does not want Denmark to leave the EU. It is also a supporter of the reactionary governments led by Venstre  and the former prime ministers Anders Fogh Rasmussen and the present leader Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Untill now it was a member of the EFD-group in the EU Parliament along with British UKIP and other EU-sceptics of the right and beyond.

The two leading candidates Lave K. Broch and Rina Ronja Kari (elected as MEP) of The People's Movement Against The European Union

The consistent force opposing the European Union and its neoliberal reforms and austerity politics is the People’s Movement Against the EU (Folkebevægelsen mod EU – Party letter N). It wants a new referendum about Danish membership, and does not support either of the two competing alternatives as national governments.

The outcome was an increase from 7.2 to 8.1 percent of the votes, securing one out of the thirteen Danish seats in the EU-Parliament, where it has been represented since 1979. The People's Movement is an independent member of the GUE/NGL group without being associated to the European Left Party.

See also

Against the reactionary and imperialist ’United States of Europe’: The People's Movement Against the European Union

By Klaus Riis

The Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark APK is one of the collective members of the People’s Movement Against the European Union and recommended to vote for it, supporting its electoral campaign.

Dorte Grenaa, APK, has the following comment:

- This is a very good result for The People’s Movement Against the EU, and we congratulates it on the results. The leading candidates Rina Ronja Kari (elected as MEP) and Lave K. Broch have conducted a great campaign, assisted by hundreds of activists all over the country. They have secured an important change of generations, showing that the People’ Movement today constitutes an alternative for the youth as well as the broad popular masses.

Dorte Grenaa concludes:

-  The People’s Movement Against the EU is in a stronger position to continue its struggle against the EU, that is heading towards the ‘United States of Europe’ and the demand for a Danish referendum on the memberhip.

A referendum about Danish memebership of the European Patent Court, also held on the 25th of May 2014, resulted in a Yes-vote of 33,7 percent of the voters, while 20.2 prcent voted No. The Workers Communist Party as well as the People’s Movement Against the EU recommended a No, considering this patent court an instrument in the hands of the multinational monopolies.

In spite of the elections were combined with this referendum the voter turnout dropped from 59,5 percent in 2009 to 56,3 percent.


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May 27th 2014