Boykot Israel: Frafald racisme-anklagerne mod de skotske Palæstina-aktivister

Protest erklæring fra Boykot Israel Danmark/
Protest Declaration from Boykot Israel Denmark
(in English and Danish) –

Frafald racisme-anklagerne mod de skotske Palæstina-aktivister –
Anklag Israel for statsterrorisme og etnisk udrensning

I Skotland er fem Palæstina-aktivister, herunder sekretær Sofiah MacLeod fra Palæstina-netværket Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign blevet anklaget for racisme. Begrundelsen er at de under en koncert i Edinburgh med det israelske band Jerusalem Quartet skulle have råbt ‘Boykot Israel’ og ’Stop belejringen af Gaza’. Det israelske band er kendt for sine tætte forbindelser til den israelske stat og til det israelske militær.
Næste retssag finder sted den 1. oktober.

Det er angiveligt den britiske stat der vil demonstrere sin pro-israelske holdning og lave en pro-israelsk forestilling i retten i Edinburgh. Dette sker på et tidspunkt hvor stadig flere mennesker verden over får øje på den israelske statsterrorisme – som denne blev demonstreret gennem massakrerne i Gaza omkring årsskiftet, og som den dagligt bliver udfoldet i form af chikane og kollektiv afstraffelse af den palæstinensiske befolkning i Gaza og Vestbredden, for ikke at nævne den racistisk behandling af det palæstinensiske mindretal inde i staten Israel. Den voksende Israel-kritik viser sig bl.a. i form af støt stigende opbakning bag boykot Israel kampagnen, ikke kun i England og Skotland, men i hele verden.

Boykot Israel kampagnen Danmark protesterer på det kraftigste over racisme-anklagerne mod de skotske Palæstina-aktivister. Boykot af Israel er et legitimt og folkeligt protestmiddel. I sin tid blev boykot våbnet effektivt anvendt mod apartheidstyret i Sydafrika, bl.a. på FN-niveau..

Boykot Israel kræver: Frafald sagen mod de anklagede Palæstina-aktivister i Skotland.

Støt den internationale kampagne Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions .

Længe leve den internationale solidaritet

Protesterklæringer sendes til:


The Boykot Israel Campaign, Denmark claims:

Immediate Withdrawal of Racism Charge against Scottish Palestine Activists
– In stead: Accuse Israel for Ethnic Cleansing and State Terrorism!

Five Palestine activists in Scotland, among them secretary Sofiah MacLeod from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, have been accused of racism against Israel. The reason is that during a concert in Edinburgh with the Israeli music band Jerusalem Quartet they shouted ‘Boycott Israel’ and ‘End the siege of Gaza’. This Israeli band is knows for its close ties to the Israeli state and to the Israeli military.
The next session in the trial shall take place on October 1st .

Obviously the British state wants by this trial to show its pro-Israeli attitude and to perform a pro-Israeli theatre in the court of Edinburgh. This happens at a time where still more people all over the world discover Israel’s state terrorism which was clearly demonstrated by the massacres in Gaza around the new year 2008-2009, and which is every day demonstrated by the Israeli harassment and collective punishment of the Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza and by the racism of Israel towards the Palestinians living inside the state of Israel. The worldwide critics of Israel is manifested in – among others – the growing support for the Boycott Israel campaign, not only in England and Scotland, but all over the world.

Boykot Israel Denmark sharply protest against the racism charges against the Scottish Palestine Activists. For us, boycott is a legitimate and popular instrument of protest. In the 1980’ies, the boycott weapon was used in an effective manner against the apartheid regime in South Africa, among others at UN-level.

Boykot Israel Denmark claims:

– Withdraw the racism charge against the Scottish Palestine Activists
– Support the international Campaign Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions
– Long Live International Solidarity

Copy: British Embassy Denmark
The Danish Foreign Ministry

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Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign

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