Nexhmije Hoxha´s story stays with the working class and its parties around the world

It is with sadness that we have received the news that comrade Nexhmije Hohxa has passed away.
Nexhmije was a communist, marxist-leninist, who throughout her life made an enormous effort for the working class and its society, socialism.
Her life is an inspiring journey through active antifascism and anti-occupation, in communist organization, in communist and mass movement leaderships, as head of marxist-leninist studies of Albania, through all of Albanias socialist history, and through the counterrevolutionary process and restored capitalism.
On several occasions she participated in international meetings and events, either as party delegate or accompanying her husband Enver Hoxha, leader of the Socialist Albania, or both.
Her life is closely woven into the history of socialism, in Albania, but also into the international communist marxist-leninist movement.
Nexhmije has passed away, but the memory and her story stays with the working class and its parties around the world.

The Workers Communist Party of Denmark (APK)
February 27, 2020.

Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne

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