Støtteudtalelse til arresterede antiimperialister og revolutionære

Arbejderpartiet Kommunisterne har sendt følgende støtteudtalelse til den antiimperialistiske organisation Campo Antiimperialista -

Italiensk politi arresterede torsdag 3 ledere og aktivister fra denne organisation samtidig med at en række tyrkiske revolutionære blev anholdt i flere lande i en EU-koordineret politiaktion.

Statement of Solidarity

Free the arrested antiimperialists and revolutionaries!

The Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK) condemns the arrest and persecution of antiimperialists and revolutionaries carried out under the pretext of combating terrorism.

Following the decision by the European Union to intensify the socalled struggle against terrorism this wave of arrests reveals that the European imperialists target their political opponents, who exercise their democratic right of protest.

This action is not directed against terrorism, but against the resistance to imperialist domination, against the just struggle of the peoples against imperialist war and occupation.

It reveals the reactionary and repressive character of the European Union, planning to become a new imperialist superpower.

We demand the immediate release of the arrested anti-imperialists from Campo Antiimperialista and the Turkish revolutionaries!

Workers’ Communist Party of Denmark
April 1st 2004

Italy: Leaders, activists of Anti-imperialist Camp, Turkish revolutionaries arrested
Campo Antiimperialista

Italiensk politi blokerer hjemmesiderne ‘Free Iraq’ og ‘Voce Operaria’
Netavisen 02.04.04

Flere støtteudtalelser til de fængslede
Campo Antiimperialista

Netavisen 2. april 2004