After 23 Years the Conditions Created by the Junta Still Continue!

Statement by EMEP
September 11th 2003

23 years have passed since the military coup of 12 September. Many modifications under the name of democratization have been made within the legal system during this time, many 'adjustment packets' have been introduced. However none of these changes have been sufficient in meeting the longing of our people for genuine democracy. Despite the claims that junta conditions have been left behind; institutions, unlawful practices and anti-democratic laws maintain their presence as the products of the 12 September military coup.

The National Security Committee (MGK) and its concealed regulations recently on discussion clearly demonstrate the extent of the events, decisions which are hidden from the people. The MGK, Higher Education Institution (YÖK), State Security Court (DGM) and Radio Television Higher Committee (RTÜK) are also institutions sustaining their existence.

The fact that the 12 September military coup was directed essentially against the working class and the labourers has been seen with the 24 January (1980) economic decisions. This approach, the essence of which can be summarized in Turgut Ozal's (the Prime Minister of Turkey throughout the 80's, later on became the 8th President of the country and is known as one of the key players in the application of the neoliberal policies) sentence; "I like a man who's wealthy" has been put into practice by the legal arrangements executed hence. The modifications made in the Labour Code, the quotas validated in the work branches and the obstructions set in front of trade union organization explain all.

The will of the people, as the most basic indicator of democracy, continues to be disregarded completely. Lawsuits are being filed against Democratic People's Party (DEHAP) that has entered the 3 November elections as the Labour, Peace, Democracy Bloc and received the vote of 2 million electors and in this way the will of the voters is trying to be destroyed. On the other hand, Justice and Development Party (AKP) that has received the votes of 25% of the electors has formed the 65% majority of the Turkish Parliament (TBMM) due to the antidemocratic election law. The will of more than 60% of the electors has been forced out of the Parliament.

It is a generally accepted fact by all that the overwhelming majority of the people are against the war. And today the people are opposing the dispatching of Turkish troops to Iraq. Yet the thoughts and the feelings of the people carry no weight with those running the country. On the contrary, it is the demand of US collaborators and big bosses deeply occupied with getting a share from the invasion of Iraq that acts as the determining factors for the administrators of Turkey.

The military coup of 12 September must be opened to discussion with all its practices and its institutions and all anti-democratic practices and laws must be abolished.

An Independent Democratic Turkey... This is the expectation and demand of our people.


Netavisen 15. september 2003