Frihed for alle politiske fanger

Lørdag den 16. august afholdtes i København en konference om politiske fanger, arrangeret af Internationalt Forums Mellemøstengruppe. Blandt de deltagerende organisationer var Addameer, Palæstina - Foreningen for politiske fanger og menneskerettigheder, repræsenteret af advokat Mohamad N'amned, Tayad, Tyrkisk-kurdisk forening for pårørende til sultestrejkende fanger imod F-type isolationsfængsler samt Prison's Dialogue - Iran, repræsenteret ved den fhv. politiske fange Babak Rad.

Konferencen vedtog resolutionen: 'Frihed for alle politiske fanger - Nej til tortur, Nej til isolationsfængsling, Nej til henrettelser'.
Den engelske tekst lyder således:

Freedom for all political prisoners,
no to torture, no to isolation, no to executions

The participants in the conference on political prisoners, held in Copenhagen on August 16, 2003, declare the following:

All over the world, the populations are fighting for social justice. Everywhere they are met with oppression, imprisonment, torture, executions and kidnapping.
The imperialists all over the world - with September Eleven as a pretext - fight every liberation struggle and the struggle for a better world, among others by blacklisting the liberation movements - and call it 'the struggle against terrorism'.

The Middle East is an economically-politically and strategically important area for imperialism. Therefore it is of decisive importance for imperialism to keep the revolutionary and progressive forces down. All the countries in the region are ruled by reactionary and dictatorial regimes supported by the imperialists (US- and EU-imperialism).

Turkey is ruled by a fascist regime which oppresses the population. In the prisons in Turkey, thousands of political prisoners are exposed to torture, disappearances, isolation in F-type prisons. For more than 1000 days, the hunger strike against F-type prisons has gone on inside the prisons, until now causing the death of 107 revolutionary comrades.

Iran is ruled by a capitalist, islamic regime which oppresses the population. In the prisons in Iran, thousands of political prisoners are being held in isolation. They are exposed to torture, executions and cutting off of arms and legs. Besides people are being hung and stoned in public – without advocate and judgment. Since 1979, tens of thousands of political
prisoners in Iran have been executed.

Palestine has for 55 years been occupied by the zionists – with huge economic, political and military support from imperialism, specially the US-imperialism. Zionism functions as an apartheid regime to the Palestinian population. In the zionist prisons, political prisoners are exposed to torture, isolation, executions – without a legal due proces.

The political prisoners inside the prisons are participating in the struggle which takes place outside the prisons. They don’t give up the liberation struggle when they are imprisoned. The political prisoners are our partners in the struggle which we fight against occupation, colonization and the oppressing, reactionary regimes, - in order to overthrow them and liberate the political prisoners.

We, the participants in the conference on political prisoners in Copenhagen on August 16, 2003, declare that we shall continue our engagement in the question of the political prisoners in the Middle East - and in the whole world.

We, the participants in the conference, also oblige ourselves to be actively engaged in the days of December 19-22 which are the days of struggle against isolation. And to participate in the international conference on political prisoners which will take place in Firenze, Italy on December 19-20, 2003.

Liberate all political prisoners in the world
Long live the international solidarity

Netavisen 19. august 2003