The Students Have Joined the Battle!
The Islamic Power Is Trembling!

The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)

The University students have taken to the streets of Iran for 4 consecutive nights to denounce the policies of the regime of the Islamic Republic. The students started their demonstrations at universities in Tehran in order to protest the privatisation of the universities and to raise some other student issues. But their demonstrations quickly elevated to a political protest movement when tens of thousand of people of other sectors of the society joined them. The masses have joined the students and are chanting "Down with Khamenei, Rafsanjani, Khatami", "Free all political prisoners", "The freedom of thought and expression, impossible under Mullah's regime", "The forced Islamic veils got to go", "President Khatami, resign", etc.

The students and the discontented masses are in the streets of Tehran and are determined to continue their battle. They have declared that they will go on to commemorate the 4th anniversary of the attacks on the student dormitories by the Islamic thugs on July 9, 1999.

Supreme Leader Khamenei and ex-president Rafsanjani have threatened the students and have given their thugs in civilian dress the order to suppress the demonstrators. The "National Security Council" of the Islamic regime, whom President Khatami is a ember, has ordered the placement of security forces at the universities. There have been many clashes between the students and the forces armed with clubs and tear gas. Hundreds of people have arrested or attacked by "Hezbollah" and the police in civilian clothes. The authorities of the Islamic Republic are so afraid of the formation of a mass movement that resort to every measure to suppress the isolated movement of a sector of the society.

The Iranian students, workers, teachers, women, writers, artists, etc have realised that their unity is essential in freeing their society from theocracy, and despotism. The protest movement against the Islamic regime has spread to other cities. The participation of women in the demonstrations in the past 4 nights has been significant. The unity of all progressive sections of the Iranian society under the leadership of the party of working class will guarantee the final victory over the capitalist regime of the Islamic Republic.

The monarchists in Californian, USA, are dreaming to hear any demands by the semonstrators in support of the Shah's son, and they have to keep dreaming until they rot! The CIA financially-assisted pro monarchist televisions and radios in the imperialist heartland of the USA issue statement after statement claiming that the students have taken to the streets to respond to request communicated by the "Prince"! But for the Iranian people, the issue is very clear; neither the Islamic Republic nor the imperialists and their lackeys.

Our Party supports the demands put forward by the students and calls upon the Iranian masses to join the demonstrators. We demand the freedom of all recently jailed students and the unconditional release of all political prisoners. We call upon all progressive mankind to defend the Iranian movement for freedom and against despotism and imperialist domination.

Long Live the Unity Between Workers, Labourers, and the Students!
Down With the Capitalist Regime of the Islamic Republic!
Long Live Socialism!

The Party of Labour of Iran (Toufan)
June 14, 2003

Netavisen 17. juni 2003